DPG is changing and evolving to bring the next best thing in Gaming entertainment, news, thoughts, rants and more!!!
We're growing into ONS Gaming.
Most of our posts have been moved to http://theonsgaming.wordpress.com
Its easier for you our viewers, fans, and supporters to fave, comment, and follow us there.
We aren't going away, only just beginning and now growing. So i would like to invite each and everyone of you to continue to support us and follow us on our new blog.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Hindsight Hub #3: The Downfall of Sega and my Misplaced Childhood
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John |
Little known fact, I did not own a Nintendo or Super Nintendo until way past their active life cycles as systems. The very first Nintendo system I owned (excluding my Gameboy Pocket) was the Nintendo 64. Part of this has to do with the fact that I was very young when the systems were released (and in the case for Nintendo, not even born), but also because the Genesis/Mega Drive had all the cool sports games and that's what my dad liked to play. So rather than grow up on Mario, I grew up on Sonic. This is just a theory as to why Sega failed so miserably after the initial wave of success of the Genesis/Mega Drive (hereafter just referred to solely as the "Genesis"). So now, with the benefit of, yes, I dare say, HINDSIGHT, we will delve into the mistakes of why Sega eventually had to call it quits in the console business.
Game Perceptions #4
Sunday, August 4, 2013
What's Around the Back #1 Fatal Frame
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Amechan |
Greetings and salutations,
all who wander here, I [Ame] am proudly your host for the first on a new
segment from DPG: 'What's around the back' and we are kick off with the game
that has cost me more hours of my life than I care to admit. Since I have only
managed to complete the first one all the way through we will use the first.
Here it is: Fatal Frame.
Frame is a survival horror game created by Tecmo. In Europe it goes by the name
Project Zero, and just ‘Zero’ in Japan. Originally the game came to the US in March
4th 2002 for thePs2 and on November 22nd of the same year
for the Xbox. It has since been ported to the Ps3.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Indie Corner: Game & Review Vol. 1
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B.T. |
B.T. here, again coming out with a new segment. Now I know
we have been rolling out several segments in the last month. We are just
starting up and as sure as the sun will set and rise we will continue adding in
segments and filling in those segments in all due time. Today I would like to
introduce a segment I call Indie Corner: Game & Review. This is a little
segment where we here at DPG can talk about indie games, small projects that
many people may over look.
Monday, July 29, 2013
7-29-13 News- Up Coming Content and Dark Cloud & Sega Rumors.
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B.T. |
Here at DPG we strive ever more to bring forth posts that have an overall original thought or feel and that are honestly entertaining or informing. So with that I would like to take this time to talk about up coming content and two specific rumors I have been hearing
First and for most there are several posts that are upcoming; a New segment titled: Indie Corner & Review. A new Nostalgia Glasses: Gaming post, another Hindsight, as well as another Game Perceptions and possibly one or two One off Posts.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Game Perceptions: Retro Edition: Final Fantasy IX, or, how I learned to love old school RPGs
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John |
Come on, come all. Welcome to Game Perceptions. I've never done one of these solo before, but B.T. has never actually played Final Fantasy IX, yet he did do an excellent job on the image above (Thanks, by the way), so you get just good ol' John. Yes, I know you must be very disappointed, but this is one of my favorite games and I plan to do it some justice. So, as Mega Man Volnutt would say, HERE WE GO!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Hindsight Hub #2: Killer Movie Sin-drome
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B.T. |
Have you
ever heard or said: “That movie would make an awesome game” or the inverse
“that game would make an awesome movie”? I’m almost 100% you have heard or have
thought about one of these statements at some point in your existence. Hell
even I have said it but that’s one of those things that seemingly is rare to be
done properly. Even when a decent budget is put up for a movie or a game they
tend to be too rushed for some crappy reason like wanting to be released before
Christmas. Or they are just not at all epic like the fans expected them to be.
And maybe
it’s not all on the creators of a movie or game, but on the fans? Maybe we as
fans expect too much and when we get something that is less than perfect we
can’t accept it as just decent or worth the money we paid. However we can’t
blame ourselves for the sins of the developers and producers…
Maybe the
major Sin is indeed twofold… Developers and producers with their inherent
inabilities to put in the proper amount of time, money, and subsequent effort
to make blockbuster hits that portray the game or movie in question as grand as
the source material portrays it. The second side to the coin is we as fans and
our inability to accept creative license and those changes made to what we
consider our imaginative interpretation of a creative work…
But not all “sins”
are bad some can be rather enjoyable like eating too much chocolate.
Hindsight Hub,
Resident Evil,
ScottPilgrim vs. the World: the Game,
Thursday, July 25, 2013
One Sentence Gaming, Volume 2
Remember One Sentence Gaming? Of course you do! It's only your favorite part of this blog ever. Jokes aside, the segment was so nice, I've decided to do it twice. This time with a little help from my friend Jason. Any who, here's ten more of our favorite games summed up into a sentence or so. Ready? Go!
One Sentence Gaming,
Viewtiful Joe,
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Nostalgic Glasses: Gaming 2 “Out From Skull Island”
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B.T. |
Okay everyone it’s time to put our Nostalgic Glasses on once again. Muster the rest of the nostalgic gear that we have so we can return to a time when games were simpler. A time when games came out and cost only a fraction of what they do today. These were the times that games were contained in giant wood boxes or are encased in a hard plastic cartridge that wouldn’t scratch as easily as todays blue rays or DVD’s. Other games of the time were actually easier to destroy or damage in their flimsy plastic packages that held a medium disk inside, that beheld entertainment goodness that would become the predecessor of many great things. Whatever its’ chosen game platform and how we interacted with those platforms these were the times of LEGENDS.
GLASSES… The Dawning of the Glasses
Our Next
game to honor and return to started several major game series. This game was titled after the antagonist. It would have it’s one and only protagonist’s name changed alongside the plot device: damsel in distress’s name as well. Two
characters would move on to great prominence and create games that surely will
be/have been reviewed or talked about through Nostalgic Glasses or some other segment on
this blog. Meanwhile, the third character (number two of two human characters)
would completely be replaced with a more prominent and affluent character in
the offshoot game series.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Game Perceptions 2
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John |
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B.T. |
This time around John and I have decided to put out our
perceptions on a single game and not a series: Mario Party 8. And boy what a
stinker of a game this one turned out to be. Now before we give our perceptions
let it be known that we as gamers liked the older games specifically the first
three. They were innovative and fun. But since we have not played all of the
games MP1-9 we wanted to do this on the most recent game we have played.
You can bet a dollar or more we will revisit this series in
a review or with one on one’s at a later time.
So now let’s insert the Mario Party 8: Just Don’t Play It
Disc and get into our perceptions…
Friday, June 21, 2013
Hindsight Hub #1: Why Sony has my money and the Xbox One was before it's time
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John |
This is your boy John here to present a new segment for DPG, which we (read: I) will be calling Hindsight Hub. I call it that because hopefully years from now, with the benefit of hindsight, we can look back and see how either ridiculously stupid I sounded or how right I was. Today we're gonna talk about Sony and Microsoft.
While we try to not show bias here, inevitably the three people running this blog have always been Sony guys. That's not to say that we don't enjoy other systems, but we often found ourselves going back to our PSX, PS2 and PS3 more often, especially the former. It especially becomes more and more difficult when systems cost so much to purchase, peripherals and online subscriptions adding to that total cost, and then keeping a decent game library for you to play for someone to own more than one of a generations consoles. I was very lucky to own a Wii, a PS3, and a 360, however I did buy the PS3 first. That being said, the system I find myself going back to has been my 360 lately, and I will say that I enjoy it as equally as my PS3.
So why does the PS4 have my money? Well, truth be told, even if the Xbox One had started off without the restrictions it tried to impose, I still would have went with Sony. Sony has always, in my opinion, tried to give the best customer experience. The Sixaxis and Dualshock 3 were rechargeable from the get go, you weren't forced to buy a subscription to play online, having a Playstation Plus gave you a discount AND free games, and the PS3 had wireless internet capability built in without trying to get you to pay $100 for an adapter.
To me, the 360 was a console for first person shooters and sports games, two genres of games that I rarely play. Yes, it has some excellent exclusive titles that aren't those genres, and I own most of them. I can look back now and say that the 360 was definitely the top console of this generation but I didn't see that then. I also did not like the estimated 40% fail rate of the old model Xbox 360 consoles. Thankfully that was remedied, but I can't say that I am ever happy to shell out $60 a year to play online with friends (superior online experience be damned).
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Nostalgic Glasses: Gaming 1- “From Mother Russia with Love”’
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B.T |
Okay everyone it’s time to put our Nostalgic Glasses on, along with the rest of the nostalgic gear that we can muster so we can return to a time when games were simpler, when games came out and cost only a fraction of what they do today. These were the times that games made came encased in a hard plastic cartridge that wouldn’t scratch as easily as today's blue rays or DVD’s. However other games of the time were flimsy plastic packages that inside held a medium disk, a so called floppy disk that some kids today may have never seen. Whatever its’ chosen game platform and how we interacted with those platforms these were the times of LEGENDS.
Now many, many of these games would
go on to become iconic house hold names that people not only revere but also
play even unto this day of Technology be it the originals or some new iteration
of that IP. Many times again we reminisce
to this day how great they were then and now.
Some people may live only in these past times refusing to grow with
gaming innovation and the general times, or maybe it’s the inverse they are too
young to bend their knee in respect to these older games despite the fact that
these predecessors are the sole reason their Halo’s, Angry Bird’s, Plants v.s
Zombie’s, Call of Duties and so on exist…
I welcome you to the first of many
rotating segments put forth by Drunken Procrastinating Gamers…
Sunday, June 16, 2013
One Sentence Gaming, Vol 1
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John |
Here at DPG, we try to bring you the absolute best in gaming comedy. Obviously, everything we do is hit or miss, but we strive to achieve for the former.
You may have heard of 5 Second Movies. If you haven't, it's a little like it sounds. Reviewers will sum up a movie in 5 or so (with a heavy emphasis on "or so") in the simplest way possible. So, we present to you: One Sentence Gaming. We'll start with some of my personal favorite games. Ready? Go!
You may have heard of 5 Second Movies. If you haven't, it's a little like it sounds. Reviewers will sum up a movie in 5 or so (with a heavy emphasis on "or so") in the simplest way possible. So, we present to you: One Sentence Gaming. We'll start with some of my personal favorite games. Ready? Go!
1) Final Fantasy IX: Effeminate half monkey-half human hybrid hits on a princess, aggravates a knight, destroys one planet, and saves another.
2) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask: Waifish elf falls down pit, gets cursed by a witch doctor, and must become the world's greatest astronaut in three days by learning how to play the ocarina.
Donkey Kong,
Donkey Kong Country,
Drunken Procrastinating Gamers,
Final Fantasy,
Majora's Mask,
One Sentence Gaming,
Steambot Chronicles,
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Game Perceptions 1
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B.T. |
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John |
Dynasty Warriors and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms Series
Now don't get us wrong both John and I love, love the Dynasty Warriors (DW) and Romance of the Three Kingdoms (RotTK) games. Even Bart has at least played DW and in all likelihood has heard of RotTK. Most average 'rounded' gamers can say they have played one or the other or both. Some how DW is just a joke to many, many, many people. A rumor has existed that it is such a joke that the North American gaming industry (dependent upon game company) may make their interns play all of the previous Dynasty Warriors Titles to see if they will crack... True or not that is both horrible and hilarious!
Whatever your experience dealing with the DW or RotTK Games has been they mix action, strategy and history in a manner that can be heavily entertaining or... for a person who doesn't like strategy and history it can be very, very boring... Now we know that you all want to stand up with your hands in the air jumping around like 'you just don't care' and are some kind of mentally lost man/womanchild.
But B.T. & John/Drunken Procrastinators we don't necessarily "think" history or strategy or action or even hack n' slash games are bad or boring... No!!!!! Just the opposite most of us Sheeple like the same repetitive things over and over...
Such as every action-adventure game, most sequel games or even every side scroller ever...? Where you use the same buttons to attack over and over... against bad guys that are little more than palette swapped enemies.
Yes!! but THOSE games are MASTERPIECES like Heavenly Sword... or like the old school Metroid or Contra games... We're okay with the same wash and repeat battle processes against palette swapped baddies in those games...
Because in those games unlike in the early DW series, they stop or break up the monotony of said pallete swapped baddies and repetitive button mashing slaughter with breaks in the play or with boss fights. And that makes them fun and have some semblance of replay value.... The earlier DW games left such a bad taste of wash and repeat mouthwash in many players mouths that many don't give the newer games a chance BUT THAT'S A DISCUSSION FOR A LATER DATE...
You all aren't here to read about that history lesson (Har har har... see what we did there....) You want to read our perceptions... our WTFs and observations on the DW and RotTK Series.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
In the process of Building
DPGer's are currently in the process of building the blog layout as well as stocking the fridge and cabinet. So bear in mind its going to take a little bit...
And since we are Procrastinators you can expect this to be finished in a week.... or two...
Followed by some ""Serious"" Reviews, Rants and any other what have you's....
B.T: Currently a Blog Title image is being worked on Her's the general colored in Blog Title.
John: Check back here later in the following days... or tomorrow...
(B.T.: I'd say days...)
B.T: A Simple Blog Title Image has been altered and put in place until the Official One is finished.
The first true post has been posted.
Test Session for the Podcast has occurred and went well.
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