B.T. |
Have you
ever heard or said: “That movie would make an awesome game” or the inverse
“that game would make an awesome movie”? I’m almost 100% you have heard or have
thought about one of these statements at some point in your existence. Hell
even I have said it but that’s one of those things that seemingly is rare to be
done properly. Even when a decent budget is put up for a movie or a game they
tend to be too rushed for some crappy reason like wanting to be released before
Christmas. Or they are just not at all epic like the fans expected them to be.
And maybe
it’s not all on the creators of a movie or game, but on the fans? Maybe we as
fans expect too much and when we get something that is less than perfect we
can’t accept it as just decent or worth the money we paid. However we can’t
blame ourselves for the sins of the developers and producers…
Maybe the
major Sin is indeed twofold… Developers and producers with their inherent
inabilities to put in the proper amount of time, money, and subsequent effort
to make blockbuster hits that portray the game or movie in question as grand as
the source material portrays it. The second side to the coin is we as fans and
our inability to accept creative license and those changes made to what we
consider our imaginative interpretation of a creative work…
But not all “sins”
are bad some can be rather enjoyable like eating too much chocolate.